Woven Playing Tools

The project has been developed exploring materials’ sensory and manipulative qualities through children’s responses in the playful educational context of the Reggio Emilia Approach, in order to create modular interactive pieces, using handwoven techniques as a media to reproduce them.

Each piece embodies different interactive features, using a variety of paper yarns, natural fibers and their neutral colour ways, in order to achieve a wide range of contrasting textures as closer as possible to the one offered by the environment.
The possibility to manipulate and join the pieces together through linking systems allows the child’s free interpretation and development of imagination, while enabling contact with sensory surfaces.

The technical side of handweaving allows the control of layered structures and development of tridimensional forms which, combined with traditional hand finishings and basketry techniques, enable to weave each “tool” in one piece and to reduce material’s
waste to the minimum.

